Google Discover learns what you like – Web / App activity, so it can provide even better content the next time you use it. As and when you change your preference new content will pop up for your reading pleasure.

How is it different from the traditional search method?

A Search – is a string of queries that the user intent to find information on. While Discover automatically suggests content that is of interest to a user. Currently, improvements are being made to deliver more accurate and helpful content to users.


Customize Discover?

Click here to follow the steps.

Note: Some of these features might not be available in all countries.

How to get your website content as part of Discover?

Just follow the Holistic SEO that we suggest.
  • Make Great Content
  • Improve Content
  • Write timely
  • Follow (E-A-T) Concept. Read Google Document to know more.
  1. Use Proper Page Titles.
  2. Use High-Quality Images of at least 1200px wide.
  3. Provides content that has some insights, and also tells a unique story.
  4. Avoid using cheap tactics.

Discover is incorporating follow feature that lets people get updates from their favorite website. It is being said that the Follow feature uses RSS/Atom feed to display the content.

Hence, add the following in the tag and remember the points mentioned below:


<link rel="alternate" type="application/rss+xml" href="">


<link rel="alternate" type="application/atom+xml" href="">

  1. Your robots.txt file shouldn’t block your feeds.
  2. Your feed should also be up-to-date like your sitemap.
  3. Google allows you to host your feed other than your domain. Moreover, if you do so then use a 3xx (redirects) HTTP status code so that Google can follow it.

Don’t worry if you don’t have an RSS or Atom feed on your website, Google automatically generates a feed for your entire domain based on our view of your site.

To view the analytics of your Google Discover Content, you can use the Performance report for Discover in Google Search Console.


Try using Google Web Stories along with discover.


Google Discover Holistic SEO SEO